the resonance effect

The Resonance Effect is the transformational change that ripples through an organization when working with our team of specially matched experts. We don't merely provide technical consulting - we ignite a process of rediscovering purpose, unleashing potential and refining vision.

build bridges without giving up space

Our services

  • Leadership Development

    Our leadership development consulting focuses on equipping your leaders with the skills, wisdom and support needed to guide your congregation with clarity, conviction and care. We assess your current leadership team dynamics and structures, then deliver customized coaching and training around crucial areas like:

    • Succession planning & leadership pipelines

    • Team unity & shared vision

    • Decision making frameworks

    • Conflict management & communication

    • Leading with emotional intelligence

    • Cultivating a healthy staff culture

    With our guidance, your leadership can become more aligned, resilient and empowered to handle complexity.

  • Church Consulting

    We provide comprehensive consulting services tailored to the unique needs and goals of your church. Our team of experienced consultants works closely with you to identify areas of growth, navigate challenges, and develop practical strategies for enhancing your ministry's impact.

    Our church consulting services include:

    • Vision and mission clarification

    • Organizational structure and governance review

    • Financial management and stewardship planning

    • Congregational growth and engagement strategies

    • Worship and programming evaluation and enhancement

    • Facility and property management guidance

    • Community outreach and partnership development

    Whether your church is facing specific challenges or seeking to proactively strengthen its ministry, our consultants bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to guide you forward.

  • LGBTQ Inclusion

    We guide churches seeking to become fully inclusive of LGBTQ individuals through an immersive, judgement-free process that dismantles old assumptions, forges connections and alignments values with practices. Our LGBTQ inclusion consulting includes:

    • Education workshops on gender, sexuality and allyship

    • Facilitating sensitive conversations across the congregation

    • Policy review & revisions around marriage, leadership roles, etc.

    • Advice on gender-neutral facilities & visual representations

    • Ongoing training as awareness and inclusion grows

    By working with us, your church can progress along the path towards complete LGBTQ inclusion at the right pace, backed by our expertise navigating complex dynamics.

  • Change Management

    Change can be enormously challenging despite best intentions. We mitigate the risks and barriers that arise when introducing major transitions like a new pastor, mergers, site expansions or renovations. Our specialty is uniting teams around a shared purpose throughout turbulent shifts. We provide:

    • Stakeholder analysis & transition mapping

    • Customized change management plans

    • Leadership alignment & community building

    • Communication strategy, messaging and rollout

    • Progress tracking frameworks & refinement

    With our change management consulting, your business will be able to implement changes smoothly and stick to the process. We turn uncertainty into opportunity.

  • Children's ministry

    Ensuring your children’s ministry aligns with your church's vision and effectively nurtures young congregants is vital for the long-term. We specialize in building safe, stimulating and spiritually-enriching programs for kids including:

    • Recruiting & training high-quality volunteers

    • Evaluating & improving Sunday School curriculums

    • Rethinking outdated assumptions around format, style or culture

    • Leveraging technology more meaningfully

    • Fostering stronger connections with parents

    Our goal is to help you create a children’s ministry where each child feels seen, valued and supported in their faith journey.

  • Higher Ed reform

    We help colleges and universities evolve their academic programs, campus cultures and operational models to effectively prepare future faith leaders for the complex realities of 21st century ministry. Our higher ed reform consulting includes:

    • Curriculum analysis & integration of critical contexts like technology, activism, media literacy, etc.

    • Faculty training on inclusive pedagogies and diverse learning styles

    • Policy review through justice, equity and social responsibility lenses

    • Restructuring degree programs for flexibility

    • Transition support for administrative & business process changes

    By partnering with us, seminaries can reduce insider-outsider dynamics, revive innovation and foster more experiential, action-oriented learning. We guide you through the process of equipping graduates who can bridge divides across theological and social spectra.